Meet the Consultant

Xiaojing Li, PhD


Xiaojing has 10 years of experience in transcriptomics, metagenomics, and data science for integrating multi-omics data for toxicogenomic studies. She proposes a framework named Precision Environmental Health that centres on identifying systematic biological response to environmental stressors, by combining perspectives from chemical fingerprinting, multi-omics profiling (transcriptome and metabolome), and machine learning methods. Xiaojing obtained a BSc in Ecology, a MRes in Microbial Ecology, and a PhD in Environmental Genomics.

Mark Viant

Tom Lawson

Gavin Lloyd

John Colbourne

Matthew Symington

Jenny Brown

Simon Freeman

Ralf Weber

Sue Wilde-Greer

Jiarui (Albert) Zhou

Rosemary Barnett

Robert Lee

Elena Sostare

James Chipman